Script­Dock sets Sail

, by Frank Hel­lenkamp

Script­Dock is a so­cial net­work for screen­writ­ers.

The dig­i­tal age is tak­ing nar­ra­tive cul­ture to the next level. Script­Dock of­fers screen­writ­ers an chance to col­lec­tive tack­le com­mon ob­sta­cles. 

In or­der to tap into the di­ver­sity of ideas and well de­vel­oped scripts, script­Dock is ded­i­cated to con­nect­ing writ­ers and in­dus­try mem­bers. 

Script­Dock of­fers a haven for screen­writ­ers to pre­sent them­selves, col­lab­o­rate, net­work, and to mar­ket their work.

Paula and me found­ed Script­Dock from two dif­fer­ent per­spec­tives with with a com­mon goal.

Paula as a screen­writer and my­self as a de­sign­er, de­vel­op­er and film lover.

The Ques­tion:

How can we use the in­ter­net for writ­ers to con­nect with each other, as well as to pre­sent scripts in good shape to in­dus­try pro­fes­sion­als? 

We would like to of­fer Script­Dock as a plat­tform ded­i­cated to this pur­pose. 

Paula Redlef­sen and Frank Hel­lenkamp 


We are happy to wel­come you aboard!